The Menstrual Health Project has launched an anonymous nationwide survey to gather first-hand insights into the menstrual health education people received while in school across the UK. This initiative welcomes responses from individuals of all ages, regardless of whether they are still in education, to ensure that a wide variety of experiences are represented.

Understanding the Current State of Menstrual Health Education

The purpose of the survey is straightforward yet impactful: to assess how menstrual health education is currently delivered across the country. By examining the educational experiences of people from diverse backgrounds, the Menstrual Health Project aims to spotlight gaps in menstrual health knowledge and address issues around timing, accuracy, and frequency of information shared in schools.

Bringing Menstrual Health to Government Attention

The Menstrual Health Project plans to present the survey’s findings to government policymakers. The goal is to advocate for a curriculum that delivers menstrual health education comprehensively and progressively—building on students’ understanding as they mature. This approach is essential for equipping young people with the ability to identify when something isn’t right, understand their bodies better, and feel empowered to advocate for their health needs.

A Vision for Change

Through the findings, the Menstrual Health Project envisions creating impactful policies to make menstrual health education not only mandatory across the UK but also comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive. The ultimate goal is to ensure future generations are informed, prepared, and confident to support their own health and that of others.

The survey will remain open until August 2025, providing ample opportunity for participants to contribute to a dataset that will help reshape the future of menstrual health education in the UK.

Link to survey –