This is one of my biggest pet hates after becoming so open about having PCOS. These people have become like vultures and have been circulating all my social media accounts since my first post about the illness…
We will have all seen sales representatives for these products on Instagram and Facebook. They have a nasty habit on praying on people with weight problems that have been caused by PCOS. I would often get messaged by people on Instagram and Facebook claiming that these products could “cure” me. Pft, the doctors can’t find a cure for this so what makes you think that you have some magical cure, found in a product that everyone is aware is a money grabbing scam?
I would often get messaged by people on Instagram and Facebook claiming that these products could “cure” me. Pft, the doctors can’t find a cure for this so what makes you think that you have some magical cure, found in a product that everyone is aware is a money grabbing scam?
The recurring ones appeard to be Juice Plus and It Works wraps. These products won’t help you ladies, stick to clean eating, exercise and balancing those hormones.
Most doctors recomment the Slimming Word diet for most women suffering from PCOS (it’s not reccommended for me as I have hyperglycemia). I suggest that you try that rather than products you can buy online. The most recent one to follow me is a ‘natural food supplement’ calld MyOvaCare, it costs £40 for a small tub of capsules… frankly, I’d rather diet.