By – Sunita Thind As far back as I can recall, I have always known I wanted to become a mum. I’ve always had a maternal instinct and longed to have a child to share experiences with, to shower with love, and to help them succeed in the world at 38-year-old, living in Derby with my husband, Continue Reading
By Manpreet “Singh is Queer” Virk Society is broken up into binary options like male or female, black or white, left or right, etc. The creation of binary roles has erased millions of people worldwide for centuries. Erasure causes more conflict than compromise because it creates difficulties for people who do not fit the Continue Reading
White Saviourism – Why would I ask you to save me, when you can’t even save yourselves?
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the term white saviourism, but not all of you may be familiar with what it actually looks like in practice. Originating from colonial thought – Rudyard Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden” is where this whole thing started. Let’s go back in history, to a time where the UK and Continue Reading