New survey seeks to investigate and amplify marginalised voices in healthcare decision-making
Cysters and Endometriosis UK are working in partnership to ensure that all voices are heard in discussions about healthcare policy and initiatives, especially those from marginalised communities. Despite progress in healthcare data collection, there remains a gap in representing the experiences of marginalised groups, particularly for those impacted by conditions and diseases like endometriosis.
Decision-makers in Parliament and the NHS often rely on data and statistics to inform policy and resource allocation. However, these datasets may not accurately reflect the experiences of marginalised communities. A recent report from Endometriosis UK that gathered data on the experiences of being diagnosed with endometriosis in the UK found that whilst the ethnicity of respondents who identified as ‘white’ was proportionate to the data collected in the Census 2021, the remaining data was not illustrative of the ethnic diversity of the UK, with 15% of respondents choosing not to respond to the ethnicity question*.
To address this gap and advocate for inclusive healthcare policies, Cysters and Endometriosis UK are launching a new survey initiative aimed at amplifying the voices of marginalised groups in healthcare decision-making.
Neelam Heera-Shergill, Founder of Cysters, said:
“We know that the current statistics are not inclusive of all communities, particularly marginalised groups,”
“By encouraging those from marginalised communities to share their experiences through this survey, they will be helping us to advocate for the changes that are needed, backed by evidence from their communities. In addition to delving into the diagnosis journey for people of colour and the unique barriers they encounter. We aim for this research and findings to pave the way for additional funded research on all menstrual-related conditions affecting people of colour.”
The survey seeks to gather insights into the experiences of marginalised communities, particularly concerning conditions and diseases like endometriosis. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences openly and honestly, knowing that their responses will contribute to shaping more inclusive healthcare policies.
Sarah Harris, a researcher at Cysters, said:
“We urge everyone to participate in this survey and share it far and wide. Together, we can ensure that all voices are considered in the conversation surrounding healthcare policy and resource allocation.”
The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participants are not required to provide any personal or contact details that could identify them.
To participate in the survey, please visit: Delayed Diagnosis of Endometriosis Among People of Colour in the UK Survey (
For more information, or to arrange interviews with Neelam Heera-Shergill, Sarah Harris or Endometriosis UK, please email or
Notes to editors
*In 2023, Endometriosis UK undertook an online survey to determine the average length of time to secure a diagnosis of endometriosis, and to better understand the experiences of people seeking a diagnosis in the UK. To the question ‘Which of these best describes your ethnic group?’, 4371 response were received. The following results were received:
- White – 79% (3454 responses)
- Mixed race – 1% (44 responses)
- Asian or Asian British – 3% (125 responses)
- Black or Black British – 2% (90 responses)
- Arab – 0% (6 responses)
- Other – 0% (17 responses)
- Prefer not to say – 15% (635 responses)