5 Inspiring Celebrities Dealing with Chronic Illness

“Taking up space, together.” Our mantra here at Cysters reflects a simple principle: No matter how difficult it gets, we will not allow ourselves to be diminished by the pain we experience or society’s perception of it. From that strength, we empower the people going through similar struggles. Such principles are powerful in the hands of public Continue Reading


CYSTERS – if you’ve had a painful hysteroscopy – recently or in the past – this anonymous survey is for YOU.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2XTOe81rEy7zV2ARNPECceYyE–wTtR0mA10XHIxNQVOBrw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0Fx-7O2Eql_55k0UUb-dPI5MHq8EoOZ4MKHetNIbfgz1b92ZIyfCyYe58 The Campaign Against Painful Hysteroscopy compiled the survey.  We’re a community group of several hundred women who’ve all had shockingly painful NHS outpatient gynae experiences.  We run a public Facebook page, plus a Continue Reading