By Nikita Chadha Well, it’s been one hell of a week—a real rollercoaster. Last week, the video that I was invited to film for the parliamentary debate on PCOS & Endometriosis went live – the days that followed after felt like a downward spiral of insecurity and doubt. I think this comes as part of Continue Reading
100 Chronic Illness Advocates – The Power List
In light of recent events and in response to existing in a majority-led space, Cysters has decided to create and publish a POWER LIST of chronically ill people of colour. We decided to feature race specifically, as brown and black advocates are rarely given the same levels of representation, inclusion or care as their white Continue Reading
I’m Not Listening – Things to Remember When You’re Being Racially Gaslighted (Thank You, UK Government)
By Nikita Aashi Chadha I can’t say that the report on racial disparity in the UK (or supposed lack of) surprised me at all. I know there are waves of people, mainly white, and from the majority, that have been shocked by the government’s behaviour recently. We’ve just experienced the murder of Sarah Everard and Continue Reading