PCOS: Only a Reproductive Disorder?

Elizabeth Schneider, MS If you’re like me and ever curious about your body and its functions, you’ve probably ‘Googled’ your condition, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This search typically yields the same sort of results about PCOS symptoms: ‘irregular menstrual periods, excess body and facial hair, obesity, infertility, etc.’ Having done this a few times, I, Continue Reading

Period Shaming

By Sheila Harrington Jane Garvey, one of Women’s Hour’s presenters, recently sent a pre-show tweet saying that she was going to be talking about how women feel about having sex while on their period (period sex). Some of the replies she received were as follows: ‘Crikey’ A range of disgusted GIFs ‘It’s just eeewww to Continue Reading

Reproducing weight stigma at the Gynaecologist’s office.

Weight Stigma is defined as bias of discrimination towards individuals who are perceived by others to be overweight or obese.  Having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) I’ve experienced it myself.  Here’s one example.  A few years ago, I attended a Gynaecologist appointment on the 9th floor of the hospital block.  I was feeling very poorly at Continue Reading

Is my vagina normal?

Is my vagina normal? In short yes. But we are angry. Angry at the rise of social media trends, that deem woman have to look a certain way, particularly with regards to their vulva. Labiaplasty, is the most common form of female genital cosmetic surgery, involves the lips of the vagina being shortened or reshaped. Continue Reading

Thank you THSH Birmingham!

International Women’s Day usually means events across all sectors promoting how AWESOME women are.. and Cysters were lucky enough to be part of this! The Birmingham Town Hall Symphony Hall, held a weekend donation drive for Cysters, collecting menstrual products for us to distribute to Handsworth Association of Schools and various charities across the region. Continue Reading