Urogynaecology is a subspecialty of gynaecology that evaluates and treats conditions of the female pelvic organs, supporting muscles and tissues as related to urinary function.

Taking part in the study will involve being interviewed about your experiences of having urogynaecological conditions,
such as pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, bladder problems, and urinary tract infection or cystitis. This could include discussing what has happened to you, your thoughts and feelings, how you have found information, how you made decisions, and anything else you would like to tell us..

  • Urogynaecological conditions, like pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence, can have a huge impact on peoples’ lives. We are interested in talking to people about what it’s like to have these conditions and about experiences (if any) of seeing healthcare professionals.
  • People from minoritised ethnic groups can face additional challenges that we would like to understand and help to overcome.
  • The research will lead to the creation of a new online resource for the public, professionals, health and social care services, and policy.
  • The interviews are over the phone or, if you prefer, online video call (i.e. no face-to-face visits).
  •  The interview can fit around your time commitments and preferences. This includes the option of having an interview on a weekday, weekend, daytime or evening.
  • The interview is likely to last between 1-2 hours, but you can take breaks if you want to. You can also choose to spread the interview across a few separate times, if this would be more comfortable or convenient for you.
  • You will be given a £30 gift voucher to thank you for your time.
  • The interviews are an opportunity to talk about your experiences and what matters to you. The interviewer will ask you some questions, but you do not have to answer or discuss anything if you don’t want to. You can direct the interview conversation to talk about the topics that are most important to you.
  • You are also free to change your mind about taking part in the study any time.
  • If you have any questions at all about the study, please contact the study team (Abi, Fran, Ashley) at pursue@phc.ox.ac.uk or call on 07920502580.
